09:30 | OPENING | Maria Luisa Cusati (Honorary Consul of Portugal in Naples, Italy; Associate Professor of Portuguese and Brasilian Literature, University of Naples L’Orientale)

Apresentação / Presentation [Presentation in Portuguese]

10:00 | KEYNOTE | Vítor Serrão (Professor of Art History, Lisbon University – School of Arts and Humanities)

Influências do Maneirismo italiano na Pintura produzida em Goa nos séculos XVI e XVII  [Presentation in Portuguese]

11:00 | BREAK

11:15 | Iside Carbone (Affiliated Researcher, Centre for History, Lisbon University – School of Arts and Humanities; Founder of Asia Collections Network (ACN) and Director of ACN – Europe)

Looking for China in the Museums of Naples

11:45 |  Elisabetta Colla (Assistant Professor in the Asian Studies graduate programme, Lisbon University – School of Arts and Humanities)

A Bit of Naples’ History in Lisbon: the Depiction of the Turkish Envoy Hagi Hussein Effendi in Naples Displayed in the National Palace of Ajuda

12:15 |  Chin-Chi Yang (Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, National Tsinghua University, Taiwan)

From Exotic Excitement to Cultural-Wealth Possession: Four Nineteenth-Century Chinese Paintings in Museu do Oriente – Lisbon

12:45 | LUNCH

14:30 |  António Barrento (Assistant Professor, Lisbon University – School of Arts and Humanities)

Away from Accommodation? The Apparent Assertion of Identity in Late Ilkhanid Tiles

15:00 |  Luís Urbano Afonso (Senior Associate Professor of Art History, Lisbon University – School of Arts and Humanities)

Asian Textiles in Portuguese Churches during the First Half of the Sixteenth Century

15:30 |  Roberta Marin (Affiliated Researcher, Centre for History, Lisbon University – School of Arts and Humanities; Assistant Curator, Khalili Collection of Islamic Art in London)

The "Portuguese" Carpets and the Trade from Persia to Europe

16:00 | BREAK

16:15 |  Ignacio Javier Chuecas Saldias (Full Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Communications and member of the CIDOC Research Center of the Finis Terrae University - Santiago de Chile)

A Project to Promote Trade between the Kingdom of Naples and the Great Kingdom of China, and the Imperial Policy during the Reign of Philip III (1608)

16:45 |  Guia M. Boni; Maria da Graça Gomes de Pina (Lecturer of Portuguese Language, University of Naples L’OrientaleLecturer of Portuguese Language, University of Naples L’Orientale)

Nomina sunt res. Os termos orientais em Fernão Mendes Pinto e Wenceslau de Moraes  [Presentation in Portuguese]



10:00 | Lianming Wang (Associate Professor, Department of Chinese and History, City University of Hong Kong)

The Barbarian Hunt: Masculinity and Martial Prowess in East Asian Visual Cultures, 1600-1800

11:00 | BREAK

11:15 | Cheng He (PhD Candidate, History Department, University of Warwick)

Glossy Varnish or Medicine? Floating Definitions of Lacquer in the Sixteenth-Century Exchange Between Europe and Asia

11:45 | Tiziana Iannello (PhD, Independent Researcher in East Asian studies, Italy)

Vidro, Vetro, Biidoro: European Technology, Art and Customs in Edo Japan

12:15 | LUNCH

14:30 | Glória de Brito (Researcher, Centre for Lusophone and European Literatures and Cultures, Lisbon University; Lecturer, USALMA - Universidade Sénior de Almada)

A viagem de Circum-Navegação da terra feita por Fernão de Magalhães – Elcano e o culto do Santo Nino de Cebu  [Presentation in Portuguese]

15:00 | Vincenza Cinzia Capristo (Historian; Member of the Italian Association of Chinese Studies - AISC)

L’arte cristiana in Cina nel XX secolo tra tradizione e ibridazione / Christian art in China in the 20th Century between Tradition and Interbreeding

15:30 | Paula Martins (PhD Candidate and Tutor of Modern History and History of Discoveries and Portuguese Expansion, Universidade Aberta)

«Trazydo per tam lomgos mares» - Brought from Such Far Away Seas

16:00 | BREAK

16:15 | KEYNOTE | Chiara Visconti and Roberta Giunta (Associate Professor of Archaeology and Art History of China and Japan, University of Naples L’Orientale; Full Professor of Islamic Archaeology and Art History and Islamic Epigraphy, University of Naples L’Orientale)

Asian Collections at Museo Orientale "Umberto Scerrato"

17:15 | CLOSING | Luís Filipe Barreto (Professor of Modern History,  Researcher at the Centre for History, Lisbon University – School of Arts and Humanities)