09:30 | OPENING | Maria Luisa Cusati (Honorary Consul of Portugal in Naples, Italy; Associate Professor of Portuguese and Brasilian Literature, University of Naples L’Orientale)
Apresentação / Presentation [Presentation in Portuguese]10:00 | KEYNOTE | Vítor Serrão (Professor of Art History, Lisbon University – School of Arts and Humanities)
Influências do Maneirismo italiano na Pintura produzida em Goa nos séculos XVI e XVII [Presentation in Portuguese]11:00 | BREAK
11:15 | Iside Carbone (Affiliated Researcher, Centre for History, Lisbon University – School of Arts and Humanities; Founder of Asia Collections Network (ACN) and Director of ACN – Europe)
Looking for China in the Museums of Naples11:45 | Elisabetta Colla (Assistant Professor in the Asian Studies graduate programme, Lisbon University – School of Arts and Humanities)
A Bit of Naples’ History in Lisbon: the Depiction of the Turkish Envoy Hagi Hussein Effendi in Naples Displayed in the National Palace of Ajuda12:15 | Chin-Chi Yang (Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, National Tsinghua University, Taiwan)
From Exotic Excitement to Cultural-Wealth Possession: Four Nineteenth-Century Chinese Paintings in Museu do Oriente – Lisbon12:45 | LUNCH
14:30 | António Barrento (Assistant Professor, Lisbon University – School of Arts and Humanities)
Away from Accommodation? The Apparent Assertion of Identity in Late Ilkhanid Tiles15:00 | Luís Urbano Afonso (Senior Associate Professor of Art History, Lisbon University – School of Arts and Humanities)
Asian Textiles in Portuguese Churches during the First Half of the Sixteenth Century15:30 | Roberta Marin (Affiliated Researcher, Centre for History, Lisbon University – School of Arts and Humanities; Assistant Curator, Khalili Collection of Islamic Art in London)
The "Portuguese" Carpets and the Trade from Persia to Europe16:00 | BREAK
16:15 | Ignacio Javier Chuecas Saldias (Full Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Communications and member of the CIDOC Research Center of the Finis Terrae University - Santiago de Chile)
A Project to Promote Trade between the Kingdom of Naples and the Great Kingdom of China, and the Imperial Policy during the Reign of Philip III (1608)16:45 | Guia M. Boni; Maria da Graça Gomes de Pina (Lecturer of Portuguese Language, University of Naples L’Orientale; Lecturer of Portuguese Language, University of Naples L’Orientale)
Nomina sunt res. Os termos orientais em Fernão Mendes Pinto e Wenceslau de Moraes [Presentation in Portuguese]17:15 | END OF DAY 1 – CONCLUDING REMARKS
10:00 | Lianming Wang (Associate Professor, Department of Chinese and History, City University of Hong Kong)
The Barbarian Hunt: Masculinity and Martial Prowess in East Asian Visual Cultures, 1600-1800
11:00 | BREAK
11:15 | Cheng He (PhD Candidate, History Department, University of Warwick)
Glossy Varnish or Medicine? Floating Definitions of Lacquer in the Sixteenth-Century Exchange Between Europe and Asia11:45 | Tiziana Iannello (PhD, Independent Researcher in East Asian studies, Italy)
Vidro, Vetro, Biidoro: European Technology, Art and Customs in Edo Japan12:15 | LUNCH
14:30 | Glória de Brito (Researcher, Centre for Lusophone and European Literatures and Cultures, Lisbon University; Lecturer, USALMA - Universidade Sénior de Almada)
A viagem de Circum-Navegação da terra feita por Fernão de Magalhães – Elcano e o culto do Santo Nino de Cebu [Presentation in Portuguese]15:00 | Vincenza Cinzia Capristo (Historian; Member of the Italian Association of Chinese Studies - AISC)
L’arte cristiana in Cina nel XX secolo tra tradizione e ibridazione / Christian art in China in the 20th Century between Tradition and Interbreeding15:30 | Paula Martins (PhD Candidate and Tutor of Modern History and History of Discoveries and Portuguese Expansion, Universidade Aberta)
«Trazydo per tam lomgos mares» - Brought from Such Far Away Seas16:00 | BREAK
16:15 | KEYNOTE | Chiara Visconti and Roberta Giunta (Associate Professor of Archaeology and Art History of China and Japan, University of Naples L’Orientale; Full Professor of Islamic Archaeology and Art History and Islamic Epigraphy, University of Naples L’Orientale)
Asian Collections at Museo Orientale "Umberto Scerrato"17:15 | CLOSING | Luís Filipe Barreto (Professor of Modern History, Researcher at the Centre for History, Lisbon University – School of Arts and Humanities)