Vítor Serrão is a Full Professor at the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon and an integrated researcher at ARTIS-IHA/FLUL. He has a degree from the University of Lisbon (1974), a Master's degree from the School of Social Sciences and Humanities (1982) and a Ph.D. from the University of Coimbra (1992). He specializes in the study of Renaissance, Mannerist and Baroque Portuguese painting, as well as in Theory of Art and in the field of safeguarding Heritage, and is the author of numerous bibliographies in these fields. Highlighting the following books: O Maneirismo e o Estatuto Social dos Pintores Portugueses (1983), A Cripto-História da Arte. Análise de Obras de Arte Inexistentes (2001), A Trans-Memória das Imagens (2007) e O Fresco Maneirista do Paço de Vila Viçosa, Parnaso dos Duques de Bragança (2008), and the exhibitions catalogues of Josefa de Óbidos e o tempo barroco (IPPC, 1991), A Pintura Maneirista em Portugal, arte no tempo de Camões (CCB, 1995) e Rouge et Or. Trésors du Baroque portugais (Paris, 2001). He is a member of the editorial board of the journals Artis and Archivo Español de ArteHe is member of the Portuguese Academy of History, of the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon and of the National Academy of Fine Arts. He is also member of the General Directorate of National Buildings and Monuments and of the Editorial Council of the Spanish Archive of the Arts. He has been awarded many prizes for his work and he was appointed Commander of the Military Order of Saint James of the Sword on 6 June 2008.